Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Adonis Golden Ratio

  What is the Adonis Golden Ratio?

The Adonis Golden Ratio is a 12-week program that claims to help men achieve, not just the body of their dreams, but the “ideal male body”. This program was developed by John Barban, a research scientist who furthered his graduate research and taught “Exercise Physiology” at the University of Florida. John Barban is also a leading consultant in the supplement performance industry. So if you have taken any effective supplement in the last 10 years, then you have probably seen his work. Incidentally, John mentioned that it has also taken him 10 years to develop and perfect the Adonis Golden Ratio.

John Barban attempted to find a way to torch stomach fat and build muscles in the areas that are genetically less prone or harder to build, such as the abs and shoulders. His research was apparently based on the following four areas:
.Human anatomy

 So, John literally went back to the drawing board and looked at the human male DNA. The last bullet point is interesting since a study on a panel of 109 female test subjects led him to discover that females are “involuntarily attracted” to males with a specific male form that was judged as the most attractive. This is also a form that other men respect, admire, or possibly even fear. The key formula to this form is essentially a shoulder to waist ratio and has been dubbed the golden ratio, or 1.618. Basically, the ratio means that your shoulders should measure around 1.6 times what your waist is, which gives you that Hollywood-type “V-shape” male body found in movies like 300, starring Gerard Butler. Apparently, this form as been around for a while as witnessed by Michelangelo’s David  as well as Leornado da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, pinpointing a fact that perhaps this IS the form that we are “supposed” to be in; it is in our DNA already!

The solution itself is quite straightforward:

1.Take the chest and waist measurements to get   the “Adonis Index”.
2.Complete the custom training, nutrition, and   supplementation program according to your   Adonis Index for 12 weeks.

The reason why it’s a custom program is because everyone will have a different “Adonis Index” and this will determine what training, nutrition, and supplementation you will need. At the end of the program, and provided you committed to it, you will achieve the Adonis Golden Ratio. The benefits include (albeit obvious):

   .Downright Physical Attractiveness (at least 109 female panelists will both consciously or 
    subconsciously agree)

Introducing John Barban

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John started working out in high school because he was a skinny kid and wanted to build muscle just like every other guy. John got caught up with the idea of "bulking" up and never really understood what it meant to truly be in great shape.

 Long story short, he wasted decades trying to "bulk up" without ever really getting the body he really wanted. It was really frustrating considering he had a masters degree in human biology and nutrition and was developing fat burning and muscle building supplements but still couldn't get into shape!

One day he just finally had enough of "bulking up" and realized he was just plain ol' fat and not getting anywhere. He decided to start at square one and forget everything he had ever read about getting ripped and muscular.

John obsessively shifted his focus to human anatomy, genetics, psychology and attraction research in an attempt to identify what male build has been proven to create the most admiration, respect and physical attraction.

With this new open mind and countless hours of research John discovered what is now known as The Adonis Golden Ratio.

The Adonis Golden Ratio represents the perfect proportion study after study proves women are genetically and evolutionary hard wired to seek out and be attracted to and men respect because it displays the highest degree of genetic fitness.

And from there, John developed the revolutionary one of kind Adonis Golden Ratio 12 week System.

 It's the program example used to complete transformation you see here.
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John's approach is to match your workout, your nutrition and your supplementation program to your current body shape in order to create targeted fat loss and lean muscle growth in order to reach YOUR Adonis Golden Ratio.

As your body changes so does the system and this is the key to getting fast results that will last.

Have a try, Now or Never 


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